De groene architectuurgids van Amsterdam 2000-2025
De groene architectuurgids van Amsterdam 2000-2025
The Amsterdam green architecture guide shows the greenest buildings between 2000 and 2025, categorized by measurable concepts like energy performance (EPC/BENG) and circularity (MAT1 and MPG), as well as qualitative indicators like nature inclusivity and climate adaptivity. By using only quantifiable numbers all projects are comparable.
The guide shows how the city is becoming greener, literally and figuratively. It offers ample possibilities for debate. What is green? How does one actually quantify that? What is the effect of sustainable tendering? And are the greenest buildings also the best?
Authors: Marleen van Driel, Indira van 't Klooster, Sabine Lebesque, Mantijn van Leeuwen, Bob Mantel, Bjarne Mastenbroek, Thomas Rau, Wouter Valkenier, Do Janne Vermeulen, Karin Westerink
ISBN: 978-90-832544-2-5
Place and date: Amsterdam, september 2022
Language: Nederlands / Engels